Wooohooo!! Just confirmed by a technician from that frowning shop that I can’t collect my PC today! There’s a saying ‘the higher hope you put, the greater disappointment you’ll get’ – indeed!!
The dumb technician called and said someone accidentally sold the graphic card I bought~ now what? The whole blardy MSY is so big and they have so many branches all around Melbourne and they told me it’s out of stock!! The whole Melbourne ran out of stock on me… so cool~
Previously, I said I wanted to assemble the parts myself if I have to wait for 1 week and didn’t do it because of my ATM card issue. The reason is that I’m afraid they’ll sell those parts to others first since they know I’m buying it for sure – and now, it really happens! Probably it’s my fate~ did I mention that the same thing happens to me for my television as well? My camera was a bit different – the package came with a faulty battery and I have to wait for one week to get it change after the date of purchase. The television that was reserved under my name in JB HI-FI was sold to someone else when I went to collect. Then I waited for blardy 2 hours and finally decided to get the display set for $50 discount since I can’t be bothered anymore on that time! Ha! All I can say is - I simply ‘love’ the service in Australia!!
Anyway MSY told me to wait for the stock to come, it’s either I’ll buy it somewhere else if it’s as cheap or wait until next Monday! I’m not even buying a computer that fly and I have to wait for 2 weeks! Even a new-born baby bird can fly after two weeks!
I didn't want to mention this but might as well contribute to the fun. I drove to JB HI-FI to collect the TV that day and I parked at one of the lot right in front of the shop; the store is located in the city so it's pretty strict for car park. I was waiting and talking to the salesman but I watch the time, and I’ll never expect to win a parking ticket!! I was just 5 minutes late when I got back to the car with my TV, and then I saw a ticket reading infringement fee: $57.00 on the front window - they fine me after 3 minutes of over park!!
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